Saturday, March 28, 2015

Java Buzzwords

  • Simple:-As java derives its syntax from C and C++ so the programmer who knows C and C++ will have to put little effort in learning java . Even if you are not an experienced programmer then also you can master java will hard work.
  • Secure:-As you know when you are downloading a program from internet your computer is at a risk because the program you are downloading may contain virus like malware or Trojan horse.This virus may gain access to the local files of your computer and may get private information like passwords or CREDIT CARD number etc. When java applets were downloaded this security issue had to be considered so java achieved this protection very effectively by keeping the control of applet to java execution environment only ,it can not access the local files on your computer. This was the major achievement of java . Thus java is secure.
  • Portable:-There is a famous phrase of java that is "Write Once Run Anywhere". It literally means that you just need a java virtual machine on the computer . On that you can run your already compiled program (Byte Code). I know i am confusing you but hold on you will get to know this concept in more detail when when learn about the class file that is  how the java program compiles and runs. Portability was important concept because suppose there is an applet you want to download then this should be able to be downloaded on any operating system because different operating systems have different configurations and having different OS(Operating System) for every applet would not be possible.
  • Object-Oriented:-As java is derived from C++ which is an Object-Oriented Programming Language, so java is also object-oriented. It considered that everything is an "object". You will gradually learn about the power of objects and classes later in this tutorial.
  • Robust:- Robust actually means Strong. Java is a strictly typed language . It prevents you from making common errors as it checks them during compile time and hard-to-track errors are tracked during run-time. One more reason why java is robust is that it has its automatic garbage collection system unlike in C or C++. In C or C++ you have to free up the memory manually (by use of destructors). But in java all the memories taken by variables are deallocated automatically when there is no reference to that memory.
  • Multithreaded:- Java was designed to meet the real world requirements of multitasking. Java allows you to write programs that do multi-task simultaneously.
  • Architectural-neutral:- Earlier when you wrote a program and if you upgrade the OS then the program use to malfunction. This problem was also solved by introducing Java Virtual Machine(JVM). We will learning about JVM shortly.


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